Gems: Feb 20th, 2018

This is a translation and phonetization of the Digging for Spiritual Gems part for the week of February 19-25, 2018


The search البَحْث al-baHath about عَن 'an gems جَواهِر jawa-hir spiritual رُوحِيَّة:‏ rue-he-ya 8 ‏‎(‏٨ mins دق)‎‏

Helper Phrases

Who Mean you like (to man) bit-Heb you read (to man) ti'ra this scripture hell-eye-ya in ,bi...

Is there Hal-fee comments t3-leek other? TAN-nee?

Other TAN-nee question... sue-al...

Brother أَخ 'aKH

Sister أُخْت 'uKht


Matthew مَتَّى Mata 16:18 ١٦:‏١٨‏:‏ sit-tash: thamana-tash Who مَن Man was كانَ kana the rock الصَخْر as-saKHr which/whom الَّذِي al-lathi built بَنَى bana on عَلَيهِ 3'lay-he Jesus يَسُوع yes-su-3 the party الجَماعَة al-jama'at the Christian المَسِيحِيَّة؟‏ al-mes-a-hiya ‎(‏ع‌ج‌در ‏«‏الملاحظات‏»)‎‏

Matthew مَتَّى Mata 16:19 ١٦:‏١٩‏:‏ sit-tash: tisa-tash What ما Ma they هِيَ hiya keys «مَفاتِيح "ma-fa-teeH kingdom مَلَكُوت mala-kut heavenly السموات» as-sama-wat" which الَّتِي allati provide أَعْطاها 3'taha Jesus يَسُوع ya-sue-ah for Peter لِبُطْرُس؟ lee bo-trus? ‎(‏ع‌ج‌در ‏«‏الملاحظات‏»)‎‏

What ماذا Ma-tha teach us علَّمتك al-lem-tuk reading قِراءَة qira'at the book الكِتاب al-kitab the holy المُقَدَّس al-ma-quddus for this لِهٰذا lee-hatha week الأُسْبُوع al-us-booah about عَن 'an Jehovah يهوه؟‏ yah-wah?

What أَيّ 'ai gems جَواهِر ja waaa-hir spiritual رُوحِيَّة rue-he-ya other أُخْرَى uKH-ra discover اِكْتَشَفَتْها ik-ta-shaf-ta-ha during خِلالَ Khe-lal your reading قِراءَتكَ؟‏ key-ra-atak?


Digging for Spiritual Gems: (8 min.)

Mt 16:18​—Who was the rock on which Jesus built the Christian congregation? (“You are Peter, and on this rock,” “congregation” study notes on Mt 16:18, nwtsty)

Mt 16:19​—What were “the keys of the Kingdom of the heavens” that Jesus gave to Peter? (“keys of the Kingdom of the heavens” study note on Mt 16:19, nwtsty)

What has this week’s Bible reading taught you about Jehovah?

What other spiritual gems have you discovered in this week’s Bible reading?